Difference between TypeScript and JavaScript

TypeScript and JavaScript are two programming languages that have a lot in common, but also have some key differences.

JavaScript is a scripting language that is widely used for web development, app development, and server-side programming. It is a dynamically-typed language, which means that variables and data structures do not have fixed types, and can change their type as needed during program execution. JavaScript is also a loosely-typed language, which means that it does not enforce strict rules for type checking and type compatibility.

TypeScript is a programming language that is built on top of JavaScript, and adds support for static typing and other advanced language features. TypeScript is a typed language, which means that variables and data structures have fixed types that are specified by the programmer, and the language enforces strict rules for type checking and type compatibility. TypeScript also includes many other features, such as interfaces, classes, and modules, that are not available in JavaScript.

One of the main differences between TypeScript and JavaScript is the way they handle types. In TypeScript, types are an essential part of the language, and are used to enforce type safety and prevent common type errors. In JavaScript, on the other hand, types are dynamic and flexible, and are not enforced by the language. This means that TypeScript programs are more predictable and reliable than JavaScript programs, but also require more effort to write and maintain.

Another key difference between TypeScript and JavaScript is the level of support for advanced language features. TypeScript includes many features that are not available in JavaScript, such as interfaces, classes, and modules, which are useful for creating large and complex programs. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a simpler language that does not include these features, and relies on other techniques, such as prototypes and closures, to support advanced programming patterns.

Overall, TypeScript and JavaScript are similar languages that have a lot in common, but also have some important differences. TypeScript adds support for static typing and other advanced language

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